No capes

Apple Watch fitness screen
Four miles today is good, but itching to do more. Grateful for the innovation to adapt and move from running to walking.

Growth mindset is a superpower.


You do not need a gym to get and stay healthy.

You don’t need to be an ‘athlete’ or play sportsball.

But you do need to envision a healthy future that’s not only better than now, but much better than now.

Wellness is yours if you embrace a growth-mindset like your life depends on it.

Physical vibrancy ripples into all four of your other big life choices.

Insight: Physical vibrancy exponentially increases your confidence. Your confidence facilitates better decisions, more often, with more people. A hybrid form of compounding.

Trivia: Edna Mode, in the Disney Pixar movie The Incredibles, insists that no superhero should wear a cape. Ever. No capes!

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.