Moving differently brings me joy

Shelves full of boxed candy
Movie Theater snack options. i ain’t a saint, but i got decent common sense.

Moving differently brings me joy.


In eighth grade i had a vision to become a Health and Physical Education teacher.


To help our world become healthier.

Even in the early 1970’s as a middle-schooler, i could tell society didn’t focus on physical vibrancy. Perhaps because i excelled at it.

And maybe i excelled at it because deeper inside me was a burning desire to excel at something and what child doesn’t like to play?

Playing outdoors, speed and strength, but especially speed, made you stand out.

What child doesn’t enjoy feeling extra special?

If you want to feel extra special, also known as extraordinarily blessed, in your later years, get and stay physically vibrant.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.