72-hour challenge

post it note handwritten notes
For posterity. Page 1 of 5.
post it note handwritten notes
For posterity. Page 2 of 5.
post it note handwritten notes
For posterity. Page 3 of 5.
post it note handwritten notes
For posterity. Page 4 of 5.
post it note handwritten notes
For posterity. Page 5 of 5.

Trust the process.

Leadership jargon

It’s been over four months since the first surgery. Over three months since the second.

In three days, i see Dr Kumar for another in a long list of follow-up exams.

Three days.

That’s 72 hours.

i end every Disney Keynote speech with a 72-hour challenge.

Most audience members (business leaders) are too busy and too overwhelmed to commit to a 72-hour challenge.



i am directly focused on patiently, optimistically, humbly waiting for another encouraging update from Dr Kumar.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.