Dear writing

Disney leadership author jeff noel
Worked for six weeks at The Emporium while River Country Water Park was down for rehab (1985).


Disney leadership author jeff noel
This little stairwell would have been perfect except it was intolerably muggy.


Dear writing,

Writing about physical health, wellness, balance, exercise, running, nutrition, core, cardio, strength, flexibility, rest, and motivation is one of the most consistently invigorating experiences i’ve had in all my 57 years.

Thank you for being there every morning.


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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Dear Risk

Magic Kingdom Town Square
Decided to work from here yesterday, September 11.


Dear Risk,

Sometimes what you think will scare me doesn’t, and other times what you think i’m not paying attention to is actually what scares me the most.

What scares me the most is neglecting my health.

Heck yeah i understand the commitment required to live a life which opposes neglect. And if it wasn’t so risky, i probably would have simply followed the Herd’s (society in general) path.




This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Categorized as Dear Son Tagged

Dear Prayer

Disney Fanatic backpack
Walking to Magic Kingdom two nights ago, September 9, 2016.


Police cars at Magic Kingdom entrance
This would have never happened prior to 9/11…it would have been way too much reality for our onstage story.


Disney Leadership author and speaker
Two days ago (Sept 9, 2016) i woke up early to order the iPhone 7 and 15 hours later began writing my first Disney book in Magic Kingdom’s Adventureland.


Dear Prayer,

Forgive me for the times when my hopes and requests revolve around things that would directly benefit me. Sure, that’s not anything to feel guilty about, but i must say that sometimes i do feel self-conscious about putting things close to me ahead of the bigger picture.

PS. Thank you for gratitude. It’s my favorite. i pray the world is filled with it everyday, all day.




This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Dear running

Running on red dirt road
Photo taken an hour after this post was written this morning. Our son running by himself because he is the slowest runner on the team. i was walking with another parent.


Dear running,

Thank you for teaching me that attitude plays a critical role in physical wellness. it’s a simple lesson you taught me that is literally the game-changing reason why today, at 57, i remain a runner active.

You are easily transportable, meaning you are available anywhere as long as i have running shoes. i’ve learned to make running shoes my primary footwear and it’s easy to carry running shorts in a backpack (or suitcase – i have traveled extensively the past dozen years.

You have also taught me to love mornings.

And you have gifted me with this mantra:

Dream Big  •  Get There  •  Stay There

Slaying excuses, allocating time, and finding a million reasons to stay motivated are the three non-negotiables for lifetime wellness.


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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Dear Future me

Windermere Runners Club summer 2016
Windermere Runners Club summer 2016, doing 100-meter repeats with the teenagers. No regrets. This photo captures us jogging back to starting line to “repeat” another 100-meter sprint (at about 70% effort).


Dear Future me,

Don’t wait until you are “old and fragile” to remember what your 93-year old Grammy (in-law) said, “Health is wealth.”

I should have focused on my health, but…

I could have focused on my health, but…

I would have focused on my health, but…


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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.