Can we non-conform please?

Walt Disney and a robot
Screen shot from social media.

Ok, some ideas for being non-conforming:

  • Short and sweet
  • Shorter than expected?
  • Sweeter than expected? (i don’t even know what that means)
  • Use video instead of text?
  • Use text instead of email?
  • Give a homework (72-hour) assignment?
  • Tell a joke (i’m funnier in person than online)
  • Tell a story (video)?
  • Show exclusive, personal, early days photos?
  • Make them apply in some way in order to get a second email/text?

Guessing it’s not obvious, but this playing on the blogs process is incredibly fun and exciting.

Practice makes you good at your work. Play is what turns your work into art.


Guessing that’s not obvious too.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

You were born for this

Podcast episode summaries
An introduction to Jody Maberry by Lee Cockerell took 3.5 years to finally become an agreement to record a podcast.

A random phone call one day at Disney changed my life.

That call led to discovering i was born to teach. At 40, in 1999.

A random “Great Recession of 2008” changed my life too. Pushing 50 years old no less.

The uncomfortable 2008 Disney layoffs (i wasn’t let go) convinced me to start a business, as an idle-but-ready-to-go Plan-B should there ever be another recession.

There was another layoff, and dang if it wasn’t the mother of all layoffs, in 2020.

Covid-19, you bastard, you cost 30,000+ wonderful Disney Cast Members their jobs in 2020.

Note: The business i founded in 2009 unexpectedly positioned me to retire after 30 years with Disney, in 2014.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Let me just say

Forky from Toy Story
Granite Park Chalet, Heaven’s Peak, and a carpet of yellow Glacier Lillies, 2019.

Let me please just say that prolific writing – without a business hustle to worry about – is an amazing tool.

Last night a Jeopardy contestant (Alex Trebek’s final show, btw) talked about how challenging building new muscle memory is while learning to play piano. She went on to explain, however, that once all of her practice paid off, she was able to then “use the tool to play at her will”.

Daily writing is like that too.

Does this mean i can start a band?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

How can you not?

Every morning is the same. Every day is different.

Why start every morning the same way? Because the thought of not starting it that way is terrifying.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Got hiring?

Walt Disney World entrance sign
Start introducing your culture long before your applicants apply for a job.

How do we begin to introduce our culture to our employees? You do it with your customer reputation and during the application process.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.