Dear Son, You Do Remember How I Became A World Class Master’s Athlete, Right?

Go Son, go!
You become great at race at a time.

Dear Son, you do remember how your Dad became a world class Master’s athlete, right? I applied everything I learned at Disney. Whether it’s running a company or running 400 meters. Both can be done in a world class manner, if you are willing to apply common sense.

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Dear Son, Walt Disney Said If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Turning the corner and no looking back...
Wow, look at that boy go!
I'm doing it, and it feels GREAT!
Ta-Da!!!! Success.

Dear Son, Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it”. As you know, your Dad has studied Walt all his life and worked for Walt for 3/5th’s of it. I have been teaching you everything I know, and as you get older, the lessons will become more profound.

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