Always remember

Life size ornate statue
Albert is this statue’s name. Named after one of Yak and Yeti’s first Cast Members. This at Yak and Yeti’s welcome desk.

Always remember the basics. Moving bodies tend to move. Sitting bodies tend to sit. Think long term.


A body in motion tends to stay in motion.

A body at rest tends to stay at rest.

Always remember life’s basics.


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Physical Stardust

fancy door
Door to Yak and Yeti restaurant. Today.

To me, the human body with all its organs, is the most sophisticated and magnificent creation. Yet it’s so easy to consider it an ordinary entitlement.


The cosmos, over billions of years, crafted the human body and it’s entire operating system.

Physical stardust is using your mental (stardust) capacity to continuously remind you of your magnificent time-travel vehicle (your body).

You are passing through time one moment, one hour, one day, one year at a time.

And you are passing through in a vessel, a Time Machine, we have labeled ‘the human body’.

Physical stardust indeed.

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Prepare your body

child on dad's shoulders
2004 or 2005?

Learn to create auto-pilot physical vibrancy habits, over time. The long way is the short cut.


Your physical health should continuously improve, slowly and steadily, each year–and every decade you are stronger, more vibrant, more confident, and demonstrably focused on the (your) temple housing everything keeping you alive.

Insight: You are the CEO of You, Inc. Everything in your life is your responsibility.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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So what?

Flip chart with 'so what' written on it
This is a hard question to top. “Why?” may be the Olympic gold-medal question.

So what?


After a couple years at Disney Institute, i had a moment in the classroom and challenged the audience (in our 4-day Disney’s Approach to People Management class) with a spontaneous question that seemed like the only way to snap them out of their illusion.

It’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic.

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Long live power

Bishops Cap on the horizon.
child smiling
i love this kid!
five hikers in the mountains
Leading by example. Banking on it being an example and not a warning. Both are examples.

Health is power.


Love your family (and yourself) so much you get and stay healthy for them.

Bonus: Teach them how to do the same by the power of your example.

Insight: A powerful example may not be enough for another. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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