Fresh set of eyes

Disney Keynote Speaker Jeff Noel in the mountains
Please forgive me, can’t recall who made this and sent it to me. Pretty sure Jody Maberry took the photo in the Many Glacier valley.
Article about wolverines
Saw a wolverine, 2020. And again in 2022. Had never seen one since my first visit in 1973.

A ticking clock inspires me to act, not procrastinate.


The auto repair facility is grabbing my attention.

They’ve had the car for six full days.

No work has begun.

Patience is a virtue.

So is excellent customer service.

Extending Grace wherever it is most likely to help.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.