Easter physicality

Easter physicality is believing you are the hands and feet of Jesus.


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Disney Institute online class slide screen shot
Makes perfect sense, once it’s revealed to you.
post it note with handwritten notes
Makes perfect sense to ask these three questions, once you’ve been enlightened.

Most of my life was spent not knowing how to prioritize my life.


At the turn of the Century (in my 40’s), i started using three self-taught, exceptional tools of my trade. My trade is teaching the world-renowned Disney Way to others.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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High physical prices

Water bottles stacked in conference room
University of Iowa Health Care hired us (Disney Institute) for a multi-year, multi-visit-per-year engagement. We became friends from the frequent visits. They know i drink a lot of water.
Water bottles stacked in conference room
The client built the water bottle sculpture. First couple of years it was Chris Caracci and me. Later years it was Jeff Williford and me. Note the photo lower left…”Jeff N with Mickey Mouse head”.
Water bottles stacked in conference room
Having fun is par for the course.
Water bottles stacked in conference room
Left: University of Iowa Health Care banner. Upper right: Our (Disney) holy grail business insight.

If you think the price is too high for always being healthy, wait until you get the invoice for regret.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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What’s wise physically

Mountain lake
Almost five decades of visiting before ever hiking down to this lake. Pitiful, in hindsight.

Move. Fuel. Rest. And find a million ways to stay motivated.


Movement is endurance, speed, flexibility, and core. Fuel is nutrition. Rest is sleep. Motivation is the most important.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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Setback rejoicing

couple in the mountains
Backcountry hiking hones planning for setbacks.

Plan on setbacks. Plan for creatively solving them, not predicting them.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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