Thank a farmer

Disney Institute Keynote Speaker
Think about the obstacles for farmers.


Thank a farmer. And thank the truck drivers who get the farmers’ harvest to your local grocery store.


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No one outside of Disney wants to believe this

Disney Institute Keynote Speaker
Mastery, or perceived mastery, only comes from being intentional where others are unintentional or oblivious.


Somewhere around 2003, i remember Lenn Millbower and Debbie Zmorenski – two passionate Disney Institute colleagues – were having a breakroom conversation about the Atkins diet.

Neither of them included me in their conversation.

i asked them why they didn’t involve me.

They said, “You don’t need to worry about your weight.”

i humbly replied, “i worry about my weight every day, maybe that’s why it seems i don’t.”

PS. Mary Flynn – one of Disney Institute’s all-time great storytellers, a colleague, author, and wise friend – is the originator of the original version of the quote above. i added the word “hard” to her original version, so i can’t take any credit for the original vibe. i will suggest, however, that i was the catalyst for making it a household phrase at Disney Institute.


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Worry about state changes before you need to

Disney Institute Keynote Speaker
The time to worry about things is when you don’t have to.


Find a million ways to stay motivated.


Boredom and lifelong effort are often competing against each other for our affection.

Boredom often wins and when it does, our efforts nosedive.

When our efforts tumble, so does our motivation.

This is dangerous.

It often lasts a lifetime.

Win at all costs.


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Diversity makes the world go round

Disney Institute Keynote Speaker
Diversity of perspective is a core Disney value. i use it in my personal life with the same enthusiasm and expectation.


Be open to many points of view.

Be open to many belief systems.

Embrace our inalienable right to personal freedom of choice.


And this is huge…

Whatever it is that you believe in, believe in it with everything you’ve got.

It may take years, decades even, to hone your convictions – never tire in your journey.

Enjoy the ride.

And keep an eye on the clock.

PS. i personally believe that our body is the temple housing everything keeping us alive. To do anything that inhibits, obstructs, or destroys my temple should be corrected as soon as possible.

No one is a saint. No one is perfect. But all of us have the choice to pursue excellence.


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Teaching is a great way to learn

Disney Institute Keynote Speaker
Teaching is a great way to learn.


To teach is to learn twice.





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