Fly the friendly skies

Cell plan pre paid
$42 USA for $70 AUS.
21-second video: Gonna fly the Friendly Skies across the Pacicific Ocean.

Friendly is as friendly does. Active is as active does.


Once again, we are chasing the sun.

The sun out raced us last time. Ditto this time too.

Last time i slept eight hours straight.

This time the sky “bed” is challenging.

The up side is we have two flights, not three.

Looking for every positive perception to a different yet similar reality.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Same day, different hemisphere, body

Sydney Australia cityscapes
Able to snap only two photos from middle seat over the wing. This one. And the next one…
Sydney Opera House
Unmistakable. One lucky photo.

Always remember your roots. Always remember your humble beginnings.


Having time and money to travel has always been possible for me.

Take 1982, $75 cash, a touring bicycle, no tent, a small backpack cookstove, peddling from Philadelphia to Orlando. Also a three week trip.

Take 1980, Greyhound bus from York, PA to Moscow, ID. Carried my backpack and my Dad’s Army duffle bag. A one week bus ride. So many small town stops. That’s why it took so long.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Fly home from Australia, body

Three kangaroos
Not a zoo. Yesterday. At breakfast.
Australian highway sign
Steve Irwin as in “THE” Steve Irwin.
22-second video: First Kangaroo we’ve seen in the wild.

Saying see you later is better than saying goodbye.


The gift of shared space on this planet is taken for granted until a reminder is placed in front of your face.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 22, body

Snow dusted mountain
East tunnel.

i want and need physical vibrancy as much as my next breath.

Not until you are fed up with your physical history and your physical present will you be ready to burn the ships and move forward physically, never looking back.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 21, body

Apple Watch from apartment
Netted six miles by 7:00am. Photo from our apartment.
13-second video: The sun (in this 5:36 AM video) did it’s best to make an appearance.

i’ve always been a morning person. When i was younger i used to stay up for it. Now, i wake up for it.


Long ago i finally accepted that planning to workout after work didn’t work.

It was far too easy to find a ‘good reason’ to wait until tomorrow.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.