Australia Day 7, body

15-second video: Hello, South Pacific.
K-Mart aisle
K-Mart at the Australian Mall. And Disney.
parking garage app
Lunch parking on Australia Day.
My first plate of ratatouille was in Mooloolaba, Australia.
As the Universe’s cosmic forces aligned, i randomly choose a Pixar T-shirt to wear… karma, destiny, chance?
black tee shirt on a table
”The shirt”.

Randomness seems less random when you are consistently present.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 6, body

Child, kangaroo toy
We expect to see kangaroos soon, but not like this.

Watching the Australian Open in Australia is weird. And cool.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 5, body

The card house logo on a wall
Bigger than it looks.
Card shop wall display.
Card shop and gaming site
Prolific ‘Magic the Gathering’ offerings.

Habits equal personal culture. Personal culture equals personal results. Therefore habits equal personal results.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 4, body

Queensland National Park registration screen
Signed up today.

Driving everywhere is the fast lane to the sitting lane.


This is the original idea…

Driving everywhere is the fast lane to the slow lane.

i changed it from ‘slow lane’ to ‘sitting lane’.


Because the slow lane, generally, means a good thing, like not being in a hurry.

The sitting lane means: inactivity, limited mobility, perhaps wheelchair, or even hospital bed.

Walk whenever and wherever you can.

For one day you may only dream of it, because now you can’t.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 3, body

Google maps image
First stop is University of the Sunshine Coast. Not far from the South Pacific.
University signage
G’day mate.
Man next to university sign
Kinda compulsory ‘i was there’ pic.
Three adults posing on a college campus
Hot as heck. Humid. Just like home.

Different is better.


It’s challenging to be better than the best.

To be the best, you must be the only one.

However, to be different, there are a million categories in which to be the only one.

Over decades, it became clear to me that you can follow dogma to strive to become the best in your category.


Or, you can strive to become the category.

That is my recommendation.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.