Australia Day 17, body

18-second video: It’s Winter in Orlando. It’s Summer here.

Personal vibrancy comes from doing life’s basics brilliantly.


When you can see life’s basics as critical success factors, you see your habits differently.

You see your healthy habits as ‘keepers’.

You see your unhealthy habits as ‘quitters’.

Keep the healthy.

Quit the unhealthy.

Common sense.

Which you may now commit to—intentionally making common sense, well, common practice.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 16, body

Two people posing with a mountain in the background
Cafe with a view.
Lookout Cafe
Lookout Cafe is an ‘open-air’ restaurant.

Acclimation is a weird concept. We live on such a microscopic place in such an infinitely vast space.


As i slowly regain physical vibrancy, this body bar rises.

Two retina reattachment eye surgeries left me with four months of sloth-like living.

No exercise.


Climbing out of a deep (four-month) hole.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 15, body

Little closer.
Humbled, and grateful for, Earth’s sunrise consistency.
93-million miles away. Not bad.
16-second video: For location context.
15-second video: More location context. Unique and ‘invisible’ sunlight angel on the trees. For a brief moment, the trees understory is sunlit.

i love to sweat. i love earning it. But sweating simply because it’s hot is a turnoff.


Note: Sweating in the shade, doing nothing, is ok by me. But i can’t be wearing a shirt. In fact, sweating in the right conditions is a blessing and a gift. Enjoyable even.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 14, body

Three adults at National park sign
This hike confirmed what i already knew.
National park map
We picked a second stop after Eumundi, Noosa, before returning to our apartment.

Forests have a special place in my heart. But Glacier has superseded my desire to walk through them.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Australia Day 13, body

Two adults by water fall
Sun finally appeared after days of clouds.
Apple Watch at water falls
Two miles down to the base. Two miles back up to the car.
National Park sign
This was a lovely five-hour onsite endeavor.

No one can do your reps for you.


BFO, eh?

For sure.

You’re welcome.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.