Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Dear inspiration
Somehow while running, two paper wasps on the ground caught my eye.
So i knelt down and watched.
Were they fighting or mating?
It looked like a fight.
The reason for (possibly) fighting perplexed me.
And 15 seconds later, they flew off separately. A Google search for fighting was unsuccessful at identifying this behavior.
Dear inspiration,
Thank you for inspiring people like Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Rosa Parks, and Mother Teresa.
Inspiration is the real work of leaders.
This website is about ourBODY. To read today’s post on mySPIRITwebsite, click here.
By jeff noel
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.