Six simple things I do to stay motivated to exercise

bruce springsteen
rock on with your motivation, no matter your location or time of year
bruce springteen
rock on with your motivation, no matter your age

Six simple things I do to stay motivated to exercise:

  • Remember why I exercise (hint: it’s not for me)
  • Work diligently to continuously improve
  • Use competition to keep things interesting
  • Give thanks every time I step on the scale
  • Smile every time I button my pants (and they aren’t too tight)
  • Visualize my responsibility to be an excellent role model

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What is very exciting for one, is boring for another

Yes, that is the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the background.

bicycling in paris
and if you can incorporate exercise into your everyday lifestyle..brilliant

What is very exciting for one, is boring for another. Running may bore some of you. It doesn’t matter. At this point in my life, it is a fire I must keep stoked.

What you do may bore me. It doesn’t matter. You must also find a million ways to keep your fire stoked.

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Set backs are part of the wellness challenge

The boy on the left walked most of the “lap” and the other children crossed the “finish line” minutes before him. I was sad for him. So I did what I could in the moment…(the caption)…

childhood obesity
I told the boy to never give up, to never quit trying, and wished him the best

Set backs are part of the wellness challenge. Whether they are temporary or permanent is up to us.

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Three reasons why running is like writing

french gym class
school gym class in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower
French gym class
seriously, the Eiffel Tower, 10am on a beautiful Spring day

Three reasons why running is like writing:

  1. When you do it regularly, you get better at it
  2. The more you do it, the easier it becomes to start
  3. When you stop, even for a week, it takes days to get the rhythm back

Have been running regularly for the past week. Man does it ever feel good.

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It’s challenging to explain to people why I work so hard at health

exercise today
the keys are often hard to see…enthusiasm and expectation to name a few

Why work so hard at health? Working here (Walt) for nearly three decades, excellence, hard work, creativity, quality, innovation, fun… is all in the blood. Can’t help but approach everything with a great deal of enthusiasm and expectation.

Time for a run. You’re exercising today too, right? With great enthusiasm and expectation, right?

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