Poor health habits are self-abuse


We can’t get used to wrong things being done.


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Change changes things


Anything that changes your values, changes your behaviors.

George Sheehan

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Radio station WIIFM



What’s In It For Me.

Classic public speaker (or parent, leader, salesperson, etc) advice.

Why be physically active and well for a lifetime? Sell yourself on your improved performance, the benefits you enjoy, and the losses you’ll avoid. Common sense, not common practice.


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Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Dead last is perfect


Lane 8 is the worst lane in the one lap 400-meter sprint. Runners remain in their lanes, with the fastest runners in the middle lanes and the second slowest runner in lane one and the slowest is in the outside lane (8) – huge disadvantage because you cannot see the other seven runners, until they pass you.

That’s the lane i want. Yes, i want the worst lane, and, i don’t care if i come in last.

Lane 8, in the finals. At the world championships.

You can be dead last and still be the eighth best in the world.


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Dr. jeff


My doctor gave me a prescription. He said i need to take it for the rest of my life. He said, “You need to lead an active and well-balanced life if you want to remain healthy.” That doctor is me.


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