GNP Day 13, physically

7-second video: Not many rooms have a balcony.
13-second video: Wait, there’s more.

A bed.

A small table and folding canvas chair.

A small shelf and a mirror.

Two windows for light.

Windows have screens and open wide for fresh air.

Couple of hooks on the wall to hang a daypack or a shirt.

Four blankets and two pillows.

Room key is optional. Door locks from inside.

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GNP Day 12, physically

5-second video: Hidden Lake Trail is probably the most hiked trail.
5-second video: Location context.
The Continental Divide in July.

The downside to hiking in July and August is it’s peak season.

The upside to hiking in July and August is the warm weather.

The compromise is learning which trails are rarely traveled.

Time of day, parking accessibility, and trail difficulty are natural filters for usage.

Learn these three idiosyncrasies and you can avoid crowds any time of the year.

Note: There’s something about being on a trail all day and seeing few to no people…it takes you back to an environment the early explorers may have experienced.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

GNP Day 11, physically

4-second video: Fascinating to watch and learn how Nature works. Great practice to guess what will probably happen versus what actually happens. 
Much slower than last night. Legs a little heavy. Plus, it’s not a race. 🥳
Capturing heart rate range (upper left watch display) on this second Oberlin summit. 

Spent three hours on top. 

No wind.

Balmy temps.

Short-sleeve tee-shirt.

Only four visitors over the three hours.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

GNP Day 10, physically

Three-second video: Time stamping 2022 with this year’s Pixar releases.
11-second video: Time stamping 2022 with this year’s Pixar releases.

First time ever being on Oberlin’s summit with 20 other people. 

Nice to get the Florida lungs and legs workout in. 

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

GNP Day 9, physically

11-second video: At first it seemed the two were being chased by something.

It’s interesting how Nature will come to you when you aren’t trying to chase it.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.